Who Are We?

We are all about the “divine match,” the “supernatural match,” the “God is a matchmaker” kind of experience. Why?

Because it’s biblical, and we experienced it for ourselves.

Much like Alice’s experience in Wonderland, we had a “down-the-rabbit-hole” kind of ride when we chose to trust God to answer our desires for the right “one,” one perfectly fitted for us. Love came for us in a way we never saw coming. It challenged our greatest imaginations. In fact, it was so challenging we knew we were not meant to keep it to ourselves.

For over two decades, we gave our single years to serve other singles who also longed for a divine love of their own while living out our expectations of God being our matchmaker. We gained deep intimacy with Christ, excelled in our devotion to Him, transformed out of brokenness into His likeness, and abounded in our purpose. In His grace, we waited well. In His providence, we met. In His time, He revealed His desires for us, and we dated well. In His pleasure, we married well. We are here to help you experience the same!

Check out our love story and bios below…

Our love story interview…

Talk to Me Podcast

And they said it would never happen…

We grew up having very different experiences with romantic love.

Gary grew up in a stable family environment. He was active in athletics and art in high school. His family came to know Christ as the Savior when he was younger, where regular church attendance was expected. Ideas of romantic love in America were never challenged, and Gary pursued romantic love in girls through traditional dating. It broke his heart more than once. Those experiences cautioned him just to keep dating within his church walls; surely, his heart would be safe in God’s House. His pain and disappointment only deepened to experience dating in church was no different than dating in the world. After a very dramatic breakup, God interrupted his ideas about romantic love by asking him to stop dating and seek to know His ways instead. Gary continued in his young adult years with his nose buried in God’s book and his heart attentive to the voice of God’s Spirit moving forward. He knew love of the romantic kind was so much more than chasing what you want; it was about what God wanted because the impact of his divine purpose in this life was too important to be left up to chance.

Kim grew up believing in the destiny of romantic love, just like she saw happen for her favorite Disney Princesses. She grew up with a father who drank too much. Her parents had a challenging marriage, which included a short-lived separation. She was also painfully challenged in controlling her weight, which opened her to ridicule from family and classmates, cementing her into a self-loathing mindset. The lack of romantic experiences as she grew into adulthood worked to convince her she was impossible to love. One night, trying to enjoy a weekend away with her best friend, she became a victim of rape. At 26, still a virgin and believing for a true love to rescue her someday, her whole life came to a screeching halt. She learned 30 days later that she was also pregnant. Through a series of gut-wrenching decisions, she chose life and chose to raise her daughter as a single mom. Her new life status worked to hedge her in to know Jesus intimately and to let Him know her intimately. She came to know God as a God of providence when it came to romantic love. She traded in her Disney dream of love for a Divine dream of love.

God answered both our desires with one another in ways that were impossible for us to do and impossible for us to miss. Trusting God with the romantic desires of our hearts grew immovable purpose and immeasurable worth in both of us. Our love story, the story God wrote, is full of mindblowing “coincidences” that prove nothing less than God’s desire, design, and divine ability to bring us together for such a time as this. The details are like falling into a “rabbit hole” of mind-bending wonder, just like God desires: a love story impossible to tell without Him.

We have been destined to tell our story for our remaining days, and it is our delight. God has promised us that the love story He wrote with our lives will help to turn the moral compass of generations and cultivate a holy desire to wait with Him for their true love, too. We have extensive experience individually and collectively presenting God’s ways in the romantic through writing, teaching, speaking, and podcasting. And those presentations are only the beginning of what He has had in mind for us and you!